Did my title scare you? Wahahaha..... just kidding lah.... its not gonna be a super long post... I also don''t wanna become an old granny, lor lor soh soh, lolzzz...
I thought since I've not blog for like 3 months before my wedding day, I shall combine all my wishes for my dearest friends here.
"Merry X'mas" "Happy Boxing day" "Happy New Year 2009" "Happy Niu Year" "Happy Yuan Xiao" "Happy Valentines Day"..... hee...
And my motto for Yr 2009: "When life throws U a curve ball, you shake it off, Smile & wait for the next pitch....." (^.^)
Its all about your attitude that can change the circumstances.
Anyway, all my above wishes = I hope all of my friends will be happy and enjoy whatever they are doing, wherever they are and whoever they are with.
I'm finally Mrs Yeong!!!
Couldn't believe our wedding was over in a twinkle of an eye. Still reminisces about it when I flipped thru our wedding pics and watched the video.... such lovely memories.... So glad my granny and Dad are still around to witness my wedding. And all my close friends are there too.
A Big Thanks to all of them! Our hardworking Xiong Dis and Jie Meis for the help in the morning and night.
We have so many pics taken by not only C&T and Andrew Tay but also by so many of our friends. Happy!!!
My Home Page pic was taken by my best buddy. Nice hor? I realised that this was like the only pic taken that day, of my backview in my wedding gown.
I was actually waiting for the arrival of the groom and his entourage. I also can't remember what was running through my mind at that moment. Only can remember I felt very calm and peaceful at that moment, with a tinge of excitment.
I'm really missing our wedding now!!! Having wedding withdrawal symptoms... maybe that is why I keep feeling lethargic nowadays?? Hmm.....
Now, I'm really looking forward to our HM. (As I didn't really have a decent holiday break last year. Busying with our wedding prep and my new work.)
Destination: Unknown. Shall wait till we visit the upcoming NATAS Fair. Anticipating! :)
And I want to learn Mahjong!!! All because I came to know about the existence of HeLLo Kitty Mahjong!!! hahaha.... think hubby is going to be driven crazy by me liew.... lolzz....
He loves playing mahjong but wonder how he would feel if playing a set of HK mahjong... lolzzz...
But no worryz, I've already decided to get the Gold colour set. At least its not in pink, as its a colour usually associated with HK... kekeke.... hope this is some sort of consolation for him.
Btw today was Friday the 13th... and there will be one more in March, on the 2nd week friday.... hmm....
Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I'm looking forward to hubby coming home from his course to celebrate it with me.